Information notice for browsers

Who uses my data?

Company: Les Domaines Barons de Rothschild (Lafite)
Registered office: 40 – 50 Cours du Médoc, 33 300 Bordeaux, France
TRADE AND COMPANIES REGISTER: 308 382 928 (Bordeaux)
Share capital: €12,148,320

Why do you use my data?

  • To analyse the website audience (legitimate interest)
  • To respond to your requests for information (contract)
  • To secure the website (legitimate interest)
  • To ensure the technical functioning of the website (legitimate interest and consent)
  • To respond to your requests about your data (legal obligation)

What data do you use?

  • Identification data
  • Professional data
  • Connection data
  • Data voluntarily provided by you

For how long ?

  • Requests for information : 6 months from the last correspondence
  • Audience analysis: 13 months maximum
  • Securing the Website: 6 months maximum
  • Requests and claims Response time + expiry (after archiving)

How is my data secured?

  • Physical security measures
  • IT security measures (with ISSP)
  • Notification of potential breaches

What are my rights concerning my data?

  • Right of access
  • Right of rectification
  • Right to withdraw your consent
  • Right to object or to erasure
  • Right to restrict processing
  • Right to data portability
  • Post-mortem instructions
  • CNIL claim

How to reach us?

Les Domaines Barons de Rothschild (Lafite)
Service juridique
40 – 50 Cours du Médoc

Information notice for browsers on the Lafite website

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