Visit CARO

How can you visit our estate?

Our winery, located near downtown Mendoza, is open to visitors by reservation.

Description of the Visit

90 minutes
€ 35 / person
12 people maximum

The tour begins with a historical and architectural introduction to the place in the wine shop. Then, in the Nave, visitors will discover the history of the Rothschild and Catena families, and the genesis of the Bodegas CARO project. Finally, in the cellar, we will present our approach to precision viticulture and the latest news on the project, through an original augmented reality experience.


Wine Tasting

Included in the visit

The visit includes a free tasting where participants will discover 3 wines: Aruma, Petit CARO, and CARO.

Tour Details


Bodegas CARO
Presidente Alvear 151
Godoy Cruz Mendoza




Tour Hours

Monday through Friday:
09.30, 11.30 or 16.00 hours


Reservation is required for the visit and the tasting.

Reservation by phone
+54 (0261) 154 530 963

Reservation by email

Reservation online

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