
6 results

Under the stars: Lafite through the lens of Evgenia Arbugaeva

In 2020, photographer and filmmaker Evgenia Arbugaeva selected the starry skies over Château Lafite Rothschild as her focal point, conjuring up a compelling chiaroscuro effect.

2023: Taking the Bull by the Horns 

In our Bordeaux vineyards, 2023 began with rain, and that was very reassuring! The legendary drought of 2022 was still on everyone’s minds, and the 500 millimeters of water we received between the end of the harvest and spring did our reserves a world of good.

‘Til the Cows Come Home

A ‘Regard sur Lafite’ from Photographer Charlotte Dumas

Nurtured by nature: Yann Stofer captures Lafite in a new light

In 2024, Yann Stofer captured the light across Lafite, revealing the symbiotic stories between man and nature. Visions that aren’t obvious at first glance.

Common Roots: Views of Lafite 


Once a year, we invite a photographer to interpret Château Lafite Rothschild. In 2023, we welcomed Finnish artist Anti Laitinen.

Body Of Work

Every year, world-class photographers focus their lens on Long Dai

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